Electronic computer systems 2675 M

Level of education: full secondary professional education ISCED 3A
Level of education: 4 years
Level of education: daily

The students who have finished this studying branch are prepared to do jobs in the area of construction, production, operation of low-fluxed devices, service, installation and the basic maintainance of computer technology and PC etworks. s for construction, they are prepared for working with graphical programme systems OrCAD 16, LaB VIEW, they are able to programme in the PC language C. They can design and programme managing systems on the basis of microcontrollers AVR and PLC, they create www pages and other web applications. Students will know how to operate and usedatabase systems and they are able to communicate in two foreign languages. They can get a certificate conveying their specialised electrotechnological ability according to § 21 in accordance with Edict number 718/2002 Z.z. as well as the CCNA certificate by the American company Cisco Systems.